Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I do it, I do it!

Zachary do it! I hear this refrain many times a day. Having hit the independence stage, the little man must attempt it all himself. Whether it's putting on his clothes, zipping his coat, pulling toys out, "helping" with the cooking. It's neverending. I want him to be able to be self-sufficient, but it always takes longer (and is inevitably messier) for him to "do it self." I imagine this is how parenting is from here on out.


Tara said...

It's hard when you want to let them grow and gain their confidence and independance but on the other hand... it's a pain in the neck sometimes when you just want to get something done quicker and less messy!

E said...

wow, he really is growing up...yes, it's quite a challenge to know the line to draw in helping them gain independence vs getting stuff done (also how much frustration you can avoid when they try to do things on their own that they just CAN'T yet)...good luck. He's on his way to self-sufficiency already!