Monday, June 14, 2010

A Little Beast

Zachary just finished up the "semester" at the Little Gym. For the past six weeks, he has been in the the "Beasts" class (I really wish they'd come up with a better name than this but the younger ones are Bugs and Birds, so I guess they were at a loss for a "B" name). The class is for nineteen months to 2.5 years so he was the youngest in the class, but we just started him at the end in order to get him oriented before starting this summer. Anyhow, he adores going and running around the place. I am amazed at what they can get kids this little to do.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More pictures

because I can


At the top of the falls after the hike that should not have included the stroller

Grandpa's hat is so fun

with the May day flowers

One thing Mommy can't do

We have started working on familiarizing Zachary with his bodily functions and bought a potty. He certainly isn't ready to start potty-training yet, but I wanted to start introducing some concepts.

Ever the boy, he often pees in the tub. When he did this last week, for the first time he actually noticed what he was doing and was rather fascinated. When the (ahem) stream ended, he furiously asked and signed for "more." I replied that Mommy can't make him pee more, so he thought he'd try "more, please." I couldn't keep in the snorts of laughter.

Eighteen months

My little man hit the year and a half mark on Sunday. He is (what the woman who owns the B&B we stayed at a few weeks ago described euphemistically) "overflowing with joy." Or what my grandma would have characterized as "full of beans"- constantly on the go, careening from one mess to the next, and always wanting me right, right there. No, don't even think of going to the bathroom unaccompanied, Mommy.

His vocabulary never ceases to amaze me. It seems he learns a new word every day (not really, just seems that way). I have been writing them down in anticipation of his pediatrician appointment on Wednesday because she always asked and, of course, I can never think of a darn thing that he says when I have to. But, thanks to my handy list, I know he can say about 30 words in addition to "mama" and "dada."

A few photos to compare:

This time last year

Last Friday:

Monday, June 7, 2010

As summer starts

and my work slows to a crawl, I was hoping to a better blogger. But I haven't been. I am toying with the idea of another blog, as I see this one as Zachary's. I have lots of snarky mommy comments to make, but generally feel bad putting them in the same place as my sweet boy's face. Le sigh.