Monday, April 6, 2009

Four-Months-Old Today!

And we're celebrating by experimenting with a sippy cup at lunch today. After Zachary's appointment and shots on Wednesday, we will start with some cereal, but the last two days we have been "practicing" by trying out the spoon with formula at breakfast and dinner times. He thinks it's wonderful, but is still eyeing my food suspicious that he is missing out.

Zachary also has a white spot on his gum that I think looks like tooth potential. It would explain why he stopped seeping through the night two weeks ago and just resumed his normal good sleeping habits two nights ago.


AwkwardMoments said...

Happy 4 months! Yuck to teething. (it does seem to mess with MT's sleep too)

Good Luck withhte sippy cup. It is always good to practice

HereWeGoAJen said...

Happy four months!

Tara said...

Happy 4 month birthday Zachary!